Giraffe Answers

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 461

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 461

Answer: Anode Ion Velocity Atom Mass (Physics Vocabulary)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 462

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 462

Answer: Interstate Street Route Lane (Roadways)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 463

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 463

Answer: Gigantic Enormous Colossal (Huge)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 464

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 464

Answer: Berlin Rome Madrid Paris (Cities in Europe)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 465

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 465

Answer: Gym Library Principal Office (Around the School)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 466

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 466

Answer: Stir Slice Boil Mix Measure (Recipe Procedures)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 467

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 467

Answer: Kiss Drinks Party Countdown (New Year’s Eve)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 468

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 468

Answer: Pun Joke Cartoon Comedian (That’s funny)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 469

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 469

Answer: Ray Beam Shadow Echo Pitch (Light and Sound)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 470

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 470

Answer: Found Vex Vey Join Verse (Con_______)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 471

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 471

Answer: Cereal Bread Sugar Milk Eggs (On a Shopping List)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 472

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 472

Answer: Forrest Desert Tundra (Habitats Wetland)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 473

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 473

Answer: Buckle Gun Notch Asteroid (On a Belt)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 474

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 474

Answer: Label Banana Sunburn Apple (It Peels)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 475

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 475

Answer: Gem Shoe Chrome Sun Star (Shine It On)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 476

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 476

Answer: Duvet Pillow Sheet Quilt (On a Bed)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 477

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 477

Answer: Awe Tux Trick Cards Hat (Magic Show)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 478

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 478

Answer: Opera Snake Butcher Piano Gym (It Has Scales)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 479

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 479

Answer: Jordan Ruth Ali Tyson Woods (Legendary Sports Names)

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 480

Wordwhizzle Giraffe Level 480

Answer: Proper SANT Good Right Fit (Appropriate)

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